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- *farsi.txt* For Vim version 6.0. Last change: 2001 Sep 04
- VIM REFERENCE MANUAL by Mortaza Ghassab Shiran
- Right to Left and Farsi Mapping for Vim *farsi* *Farsi*
- {Vi does not have any of these commands}
- *E27*
- In order to use right-to-left and Farsi mapping support, it is necessary to
- compile Vim with the |+farsi| feature.
- These functions have been made by Mortaza G. Shiran <shiran@jps.net>
- Introduction
- ------------
- In right-to-left oriented files the characters appear on the screen from right
- to left. This kind of file is most useful when writing Farsi documents,
- composing faxes or writing Farsi memos.
- The commands, prompts and help files are not in Farsi, therefore the user
- interface remains the standard Vi interface.
- Highlights
- ----------
- o Editing left-to-right files as in the original Vim, no change.
- o Viewing and editing files in right-to-left windows. File orientation is
- per window, so it is possible to view the same file in right-to-left and
- left-to-right modes, simultaneously.
- o Compatibility to the original Vim. Almost all features work in
- right-to-left mode (see bugs below).
- o Changing keyboard mapping and reverse insert modes using a single
- command.
- o Backing from reverse insert mode to the correct place in the file
- (if possible).
- o While in Farsi mode, numbers are entered from left to right. Upon entering
- a none number character, that character will be inserted just into the
- left of the last number.
- o No special terminal with right-to-left capabilities is required. The
- right-to-left changes are completely hardware independent. Only
- Farsi font is necessary.
- o Farsi keymapping on the command line in reverse insert mode.
- o Toggling between left-to-right and right-to-left via F8 function key.
- o Toggling between Farsi ISIR-3342 standard encoding and VIM Farsi via F9
- function key. Since this makes sense only for the text written in
- right-to-left mode, this function is also supported only in right-to-left
- mode.
- Farsi Fonts *farsi fonts*
- -----------
- Following files are contained in the subdirectories of 'farsi' directory:
- + far-a01.pcf X Windows fonts for Unix including Linux systems
- + far-a01.bf X Windows fonts for SunOs
- + far-a01.f16 a screen fonts for Unix including Linux systems
- + far-a01.fon a monospaced fonts for Windows NT/95/98
- + far-a01.com a screen fonts for DOS
- Font Installation
- -----------------
- o Installation of fonts for MS Window systems (NT/95/98)
- From 'Control Panel' folder, start the 'Fonts' program. Then from 'file'
- menu item select 'Install New Fonts ...'. Brows and select the
- 'far-a01.fon', then follow the installation guide.
- o Installation of fonts for X Window systems (Unix/Linux)
- Depending on your system, copy far-a01.pcf.Z or far-a01.pcf.gz into a
- directory of your choice. Change to the directory containing the Farsi
- fonts and execute the following commands:
- > mkfontdir
- > xset +fp path_name_of_farsi_fonts_directory
- o Installation of fonts for X Window systems (SunOs)
- Copy far-a01.bf font into a directory of your choice.
- Change to the directory containing the far-a01.fb fonts and
- execute the following commands:
- > fldfamily
- > xset +fp path_name_of_fonts_directory
- o Installation of ASCII screen fonts (Unix/Linux)
- For Linux system, copy the far-a01.f16 fonts into /usr/lib/kbd/consolefonts
- directory and execute the setfont program as "setfont far-a01.f16". For
- other systems (e.g. SCO Unix), please refer to the fonts installation
- section of your system administration manuals.
- o Installation of ASCII screen fonts (DOS)
- After system power on, prior to the first use of VIM, upload the Farsi
- fonts by executing the far-a01.com font uploading program.
- Usage
- -----
- Prior to starting VIM, the environment in which VIM can run in Farsi mode,
- must be set. In addition to installation of Farsi fonts, following points
- refer to some of the system environments, which you may need to set:
- Key code mapping, loading graphic card in ASCII screen mode, setting the IO
- driver in 8 bit clean mode ... .
- o Setting the Farsi fonts
- + For VIM GUI set the 'guifont' to far-a01. This is done by entering
- ':set guifont=far-a01' in the VIM window.
- You can have 'guifont' set to far-a01 by VIM during the VIM startup
- by appending the ':set guifont=far-a01' into your .vimrc file
- (in case of NT/95/98 platforms _vimrc).
- Under the X Window environment, you can also start the VIM with
- '-fn far-a01' option.
- + For the VIM within a xterm, start a xterm with the Farsi fonts (e.g.
- kterm -fn far-a01). Then start the VIM inside the kterm.
- + For VIM under DOS, prior to the first usage of VIM, upload the Farsi
- fonts by executing the far-a01.com fonts uploading program.
- o Farsi Keymapping Activation
- To activate the Farsi keymapping, set either 'altkeymap' or 'fkmap'.
- This is done by entering ':set akm' or ':set fk' in the VIM window.
- You can have 'altkeymap' or 'fkmap' set as default by appending ':set akm'
- or ':set fk' in your .vimrc file or _vimrc in case of NT/95/98 platforms.
- To turn off the Farsi keymapping as a default second language keymapping,
- reset the 'altkeymap' by entering ':set noakm'.
- o right-to-left Farsi Mode
- By default VIM starts in Left-to-right mode. Following are ways to change
- the window orientation:
- + Start the VIM with -F option (e.g. vim -F ... ).
- + Use F8 function key to toggle between left-to-right and right-to-left.
- + While in Left-to-right mode, enter 'set rl' in the command line ('rl' is
- the abbreviation for rightleft).
- + Put the 'set rl' line in your '.vimrc' file to start the VIM in
- right-to-left mode permanently.
- Encoding
- --------
- The letter encoding used is the VIM extended ISIR-3342 standard with a built
- in function to convert between VIM extended ISIR-3342 and ISIR-3342 standard.
- For document portability reasons, the letter encoding is kept the same across
- different platforms (i.e. UNIX's, NT/95/98, MS DOS, ...).
- o Keyboard
- + CTRL-_ in insert/replace modes toggles between Farsi(akm)/Latin
- mode as follows:
- + CTRL-_ moves the cursor to the end of the typed text in edit mode.
- + CTRL-_ in command mode only toggles keyboard mapping between Farsi(akm)/
- Latin. The Farsi text is then entered in reverse insert mode.
- + F8 - Toggles between left-to-right and right-to-left.
- + F9 - Toggles the encoding between ISIR-3342 standard and VIM extended
- ISIR-3342 (supported only in right-to-left mode).
- + Keyboard mapping is based on the Iranian ISIRI-2901 standard.
- Following table shows the keyboard mapping while Farsi(akm) mode set:
- -------------------------------------
- ` 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 - =
- ¢ ± ² ³ ´ µ ¶ · ¸ ¹ ° ½
- -------------------------------------
- ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ +
- ~ £ § ® ¤ ¥ ª ¬ è ¨ © é «
- -------------------------------------
- q w e r t z u i o p [ ]
- Ó Ò Æ Ù Ø Õ Ö à Ê É Ç
- -------------------------------------
- Q W E R T Z U I O P { }
- ÷ õ ô ó ò ý ð ö [ ] { }
- -------------------------------------
- a s d f g h j k l ; ' \
- Ñ Ð á Ã Ü Á Å Þ Ý Ú Û ë
- -------------------------------------
- A S D F G H J K L : " |
- ù û þ ú ø À ü æ ç º » ê
- -------------------------------------
- < y x c v b n m , . /
- ¾ × Ô Î Í Ì Ë Ä ß ¦ ¯
- -------------------------------------
- > Y X C V B N M < > ?
- ¼ ñ Ô Ï Í ¡ Ë Â ¾ ¼ ¿
- -------------------------------------
- Note:
- ¡ stands for Farsi PSP (break without space)
- ¢ stands for Farsi PCN (for HAMZE attribute )
- Restrictions
- ------------
- o In insert/replace mode and fkmap (Farsi mode) set, CTRL-B is not
- supported.
- o If you change the character mapping between Latin/Farsi, the redo buffer
- will be reset (emptied). That is, redo is valid and will function (using
- '.') only within the mode you are in.
- o While numbers are entered in Farsi mode, the redo buffer will be reset
- (emptied). That is, you can not redo the last changes (using '.') after
- entering numbers.
- o While in left-to-right and Farsi mode set, CTRL-R is not supported.
- o While in right-to-left mode, the search on 'Latin' pattern does not work,
- except if you enter the Latin search pattern in reverse.
- o In the command mode, there is no support for entering the numbers from left
- to right and also for the sake of the flexibility the keymapping logic is
- restricted.
- o Under X Window environment, if you want to run the VIM within a xterm
- terminal emulator and Farsi mode set, you need to have an ANSI compatible
- xterm terminal emulator. This is because the letter codes above 128 decimal
- have certain meanings in the standard xterm terminal emulator.
- Note: Under X Window environment, VIM GUI works fine in Farsi mode.
- This eliminates the need of any xterm terminal emulator.
- Bugs
- ----
- While in insert/replace and Farsi mode set, if you repeatedly change the
- cursor position (via cursor movement) and enter new text and then try to undo
- the last change, the undo will lag one change behind. But as you continue to
- undo, you will reach the original line of text. You can also use U to undo all
- changes made in the current line.
- For more information about the bugs refer to rileft.txt.
- vim:tw=78:ts=8:ft=help:norl: